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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Final Summit by Andy Andrews

The Final Summit was my first encounter with David Ponder and Andy Andrews.  The first few pages caught my interest and I was eager to find out more about David Ponder and the lessons he has learned in his travels. Let me interject here that I was expecting a book from a Christian perspective.  It didn’t take long for my first of many letdowns to occur.  David is taken up to heaven (or somewhere between earth and heaven) to meet with his fellow travelers from a prior novel to solve a great mystery. Although they are in a heaven-type atmosphere and every character at this summit resides in heaven except one, they never refer to God except indirectly or irreverently.  They are also more consumed with earthly things than heavenly.  On the positive side, the travelers are an interesting group of people from history whom I enjoyed learning a little more about through their conversations in this narration. As for the plot, this final summit is mankind’s last chance to save themselves according to Gabriel, the archangel.  Their task is to come up with the two words that would remedy this dire situation.  Throughout the story I found myself trying to figure out what the two words would be, again expecting a Christian perspective – have faith, trust Jesus…  The summit continues through several guesses and the final guess of “do something” is mankind’s answer.  Really?! This answer could be construed into many things, but I was ultimately left disappointed.  I agree that we all need to do something, but reading this book was not it.  I would have enjoyed this book so much more if it were sold as historical fiction and simply introduced us to some great personalities rather than how to save mankind.  Jesus already did that for us.

I received a complimentary copy of this book as a part of the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogging Program through This opinion is my own.

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