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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Fishing Hole

Father's Day was not what we planned.  This is my life, I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm still working on that.  My husband spent Thursday and Friday in bed with the flu.  Our oldest daughter and I spent Friday in bed with the flu.  I would have stayed there Saturday too, but our middle daughter fell off a curb and landed in the emergency room where she received 7 stitches.  Needless to say, Father's Day festivities were the last things on most of our minds.

I pulled myself together and took three of the children to church while my husband stayed home to spoil our injured daughter who slept very little the night before.  After church, we all piled into the car and went down to the family farm.  Together with my mom and step-dad, we set up our chairs around the fishing hole expecting to have a picnic and possibly take home a fish or two. 

Before we could get set up, one kid caught a fish, and then another and another!  We lost track of all of the fish caught, but we took home 7 fish for dinner.  Each kid (big ones too) was able to catch at least one fish and spend some time with two of their favorite men.

Sometimes what I have planned doesn't compare to what God has planned for me.  God's plan always works out better!

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